Interpreting and Translating

Amulett Team

We appreciate that interpreting allows us to become familiar with new fields of specialization and communicate with people from diverse industries and backgrounds. We interpret for parliament ministers and doctors, trade union representatives and project managers, executives and scientists, all of whom are leading their fields and putting new ideas into action.
Interpreting requires us to immediately understand, classify and relay all references and connotations correctly – so we follow closely all the political, economic and social events of the day in each of our working languages.
At the same time, interpreting demands focus and concentration. So to find balance with our work, Hana is a passionate tennis player and Lada spends her free time in dance studios.


We interpret and translate from German, Czech, Slovak, English, Russian and Spanish into German and Czech.


Our clients represent official institution such as the office of the President, the Parliament, Ministries, the City of Vienna as well museums and agencies that plan international events.


Simultaneous interpreting is the usual form of conference interpreting. Required is a technical system consisting of cabins, microphones and headphones.

We look forward to a non-binding e-mail or a call.


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Make a call

+43 (0) 676 349 22 39

+43 (0) 664 281 10 18